25 February 2020|General
Product Update: Sensing Line Connection Size on Models JPx and JFx Jockey Pump Controllers
Please note that the sensing line connection size on all jockey pump controller models will change to ½” brass male NPT (in lieu of ¼” male NPT). For seawater application option D11D must be ordered. This change goes into effect at various times depending on where the jockey pump controller is built. Effective dates as follows for jockey pump controller orders placed at:
- Tornatech Inc. (Laval, Quebec, Canada): March 1, 2020*
- Tornatech Europe SPRL (Wavre, Belgium): April 1, 2020*
* Dates are approximate
For any questions please contact your local Tornatech factory
- The Americas: salesna@tornatech.com
- Europe: saleseu@tornatech.com
- Middle East, Africa, Asia: salesme@tornatech.com