
An Update From Our President

26 March 2020|General

An Update From Our President

Dear valued customers,

At the risk of repeating myself, the situation regarding COVID -19 is evolving very quickly. Following the announcement by the Provincial Government ordering all non-essential businesses to close until April 12, 2020, we have taken measures to have Le Groupe Tornatech recognized as a company that manufactures products necessary for essential business sectors. Some of you will wonder why we have made these efforts. The reason is in the very nature of our activities: Fire Protection.

Yesterday we received assurance that Le Groupe Tornatech is recognized as an essential goods manufacturing company and that we legally must continue our operations.

As President of Le Groupe Tornatech I am directly responsible for the health of our employees and the financial health of the company. I want to reassure you that Tornatech is no stranger to global crises and has always come out of it successfully. I am confident that all of us together will be able to get through this exceptional period and come out of it stronger.

It’s going to be fine!

Thank you all for your collaboration.

Bruno Goupil
President & CEO

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